BNI ESPN chapter has produced over $6 Million in business for its members!

BNI ESPN has passed ##tyfcb## in the past 12 months!

BNI East Sacramento Professional Network chapter

BNI members have increased their business by 20% the first year of membership. BNI East Sacramento Professional Network chapter is a fun group of committed, professional business people who meet each week to build trust based relationships which result in ongoing referral business.

Our Mission

To facilitate the business growth of every member of our chapter by developing quality relationships, passing bona-fide referrals, and practicing the Giver's Gain philosophy.

Come for our meeting - stay for the referrals!!!

We have open categories for individuals who will bring enthusiasm and integrity to our meeting. We permit one person per professional specialty to join the chapter, so if you are accepted there is no competition within the group.

Click here to see our member roster.

You are welcome to visit the chapter. Just click here to register and we will keep an eye out for you. We'll even buy your lunch!

No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care!


Photo courtesy of Tim Hemsworth

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