BNI CCR Member Testimonials

BNI California Capital's Mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional word-of-mouth program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals. If you have a testimonial you would like to appear on this page, please send an email with your testimonial included to [email protected]

Member Testimonials

  • About BNI

    "I am truly blessed and grateful to be where I am today. The majority of my success today is because of the last five years of setting up a foundation of clients, my network and personal growth. All of these things all are surrounded with my membership in BNI. Thank you for all you do for our community, local businesses, and the families that are part of it."
    Matthew Von Bergen - BNI Paver Business Network

    "I have been a member of a forming chapter for about 2½ months and have been amazed by what BNI has done for me in such a short time. I have met some great business minded people but more importantly they have already become friends who I am confident in sending referrals to. The other amazing thing is the referrals I have already received from my forming chapter members has been enough to cover my dues many times over and has led to other business as well. One of the best decisions I made for my business was to join BNI and trust that it would work and it has!"
    Matthew Brownell - BNI Capital City
  • About BNI online:

    “This morning’s advanced 121 Zoom meeting reminded me to send you this overdue message of commendation. I am thoroughly impressed with BNI’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to the social distancing orders implemented around the planet. The rapid response with Zoom and training has been phenomenal. Well done!” 
    Cesar Lopez - Mountain High BNI

  • About  Face to Face Leadership Team Training Sponsorship:
    "I chose to invest in my business by sponsoring at the September Leadership conference. Hosting a sponsor table provided these benefits:
    1. Two referrals from members of other chapters,
    2. Connection with another chapter’s landscaping company; we have scheduled a 1-2-1 to explore synergies and business opportunities between our companies,
    3. Meeting an architect and an arborist; we will have 1-2-1s to consider becoming a regional power team.
    In summary, the rewards of sponsoring: regional recognition, new business, and regional power team germination, far outweigh the price of sponsoring. Thank you for the opportunity."
    Sam Alongi - BNI East Sacramento Professional Network chapter

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